Day 12 of 31 – January Painting Challenge
January Daily Painting Challenge Day 12 of 31
“Dicky Beach Rocks“
6.5 x 10″ Acrylic on Watercolour Paper
Ebay auction –
Day 12 of the 31 day challenge for January.
Painted this one on the rocks at Dicky Beach
It was a windy hot stormy kind of day. Not ideal for using acrylic paints. It was drying out quicker than I could put the paint down. Still I managed to do this little study in about 10 minutes and was happy with the outcome.
My goal is to try out new ideas and different compositions. Experiment, play and have fun. By painting daily of course it will improve my skills as well.
I will sell most of these sketches on Ebay for no reserve auctions. Some will be used as ideas for larger works, and some may become episodes of Learn To Paint TV.